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The new Focus & Flow promotional cards are designed to remind you that what you focus on expands.  Put one on your dream or vision board where you can see it every day. They're available as part of The Conscious Creator's package.  To learn more about this package, please visit the home page! All the best! Mark

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I thought I'd take you on a little tour of the Focus & Flow online store and social media accounts in this episode of the vlog. I hope that some of the products and apparel you see in the tour will inspire you to reach for your most audacious goals and dreams and make them a reality! All the best, Mark  

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The power that we, as human beings have been given is that we get to decide whether we are enough, whether we are blessed, whether we are fortunate, lucky, ready, able, etc...This is good news. Because of this power, nothing has to change but our perception of ourselves, the world, etc.The game of life is a game of perception and winning begins within. A small change in perception can bring about a radical change in experience.So the next time you find yourself entertaining thoughts of unworthiness, unreadiness, undeservingness, etc., just remember, you get to decide whether that's true or not.Speaking...

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Flow has a dual nature.  One aspect of flow is active, the other is passive.  The active nature of flow is what we do when we make a conscious choice to think, feel, and talk about the circumstances and experiences we want to bring into our reality. The other aspect of flow is when we find ourselves in a state of flow, or in the zone, as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes it. Understanding this dual nature of flow, and practicing both aspects can help us to have a more enjoyable experience in business and in life. Until next time, keep focusing...

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Introducing the newest arrival in the Focus & Flow store. The Preferred Experiences shirt is more than just a shirt. It's a powerful focusing tool to help you attract the peak experiences you want in life. Currently available in long sleeve only, with more shirt styles and products coming soon!

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